Magic Heating Box Reviews

Hi and welcome to my blog. I have been looking at a very exciting new product called the Magic Heating Box. Although it’s not a magic box what it can do and the savings it can make is the magical part.

magic_heating_boxThe magic heating box reviews blog is going to be gathering and also accepting magic heating box reviews from around the web and also magic heating box customers who want to leave a magic heating box review on my blog.

I have seen the magic heating box in action and I must say I was very pleasantly surprised with just what it can do. It really does what it says. My friend’s house was warmer, there was no cold spots on any of her radiators, and what I found truly amazing was her temperature of the water, The company who installed my friends magic heating box had also installed a thermostat so you could see the temperature of her water, yes it was now only at 60 degrees and she had also reduce her thermostat inside her house by a couple of degrees yet her house was still as hot as it was before when her thermostat inside her house was higher and her hot water that was heating her radiators was also 20 degrees hotter.

I am not an expert on these things but it did make sense to me that it is much cheaper to heat water to 60 degrees that it is to heat water to 75 or 80 degrees.

Yes I am getting this installed myself and I will also be posting my own magic heating box reviews on here once my installation is done and also once I can actually see the savings for myself. It’s just a shame its summer when I am writing this blog post as I will not be able to see the true value until winter sets back in. (Not looking forward to winter though) I am a bit of a sun worshipper. lol

I have just noticed some other good magic heating box reviews on this site I am not sure but I think they are the inventors by the looks of things.